Experimental LAPS MAPS - Finland - Accum24h

Images: Sfc temperature | Sfc dew point temp. | Sfc wind speed | Sfc rel. humidity | Cloud cover | Precipitation | Precipitation Accum 24 h | Sfc pressure | Winds 500 hPa | TT index
Timestep: Only latest | 1 h | 3 h | 6 h
Local time

16:00 28.04.
17:00 28.04.
18:00 28.04.
19:00 28.04.
20:00 28.04.
21:00 28.04.
22:00 28.04.
23:00 28.04.
00:00 29.04.
01:00 29.04.
02:00 29.04.
03:00 29.04.
04:00 29.04.
05:00 29.04.
06:00 29.04.
07:00 29.04.
08:00 29.04.
09:00 29.04.
10:00 29.04.
11:00 29.04.
12:00 29.04.
13:00 29.04.
14:00 29.04.
15:00 29.04.

Click play to animate images. It may take a while until all images are loaded and animation runs smoothly.

For questions and feedback please contact Erik Gregow (erik.gregow@fmi.fi)