Rain & Temperature | Spatial Observations | Time series | Helsinki | History browser | Other products & help

Data products

Product Variables and
abbreviations (if in use)
Units and
abbreviations (if in use)
Radar and
temperature map
radar reflectivity factor (dBZ)
degrees of Celsius
Temperature map Temperature degrees of Celsius WWW
Relative humidity map Relative humidity percentage WWW
Wind speed map Wind speed meters per second WWW
Wind direction map Wind direction degrees WWW
Air pressure map Air pressure at sea level hectopascals (hPa) WWW
Dew point map Dew point degrees of Celsius WWW
Stability map Approximation of stability degrees of Celsius per 100 meters WWW
Helsinki city map Temperature (T)
Wind speed (WS)
Wind direction (WD)
Relative humidity (H)
Rain intensity (R)
degrees of Celsius (C)
meters per second (m/s)
degrees (deg)
percentage (%)
millimeters per hour (mm/h)
Ceilometer display Backscatter amplitude Researcher's Interface (WWW)
Sounding display Temperature
Wind speed
Wind direction
Relative humidity
degrees of Celsius
meters per second
Researcher's Interface (WWW)
Time series graphs Temperature
Wind speed
Wind direction
Air pressure
Rain intensity
degrees of Celsius (deg-C)
percentage (%)
meters per second (m/s)
degrees (degree)
hectopascal (hPa)
millimeters per hour (mm/h)
Wind profiler display Wind speed with wind barbs
Wind direction with wind barbs
Signal strength (SNR)
meters per second
decibel (dB)
RASS display Virtual temperature (Tv) degrees of Celsius WWW
LAPS temperature
and wind map
Temperature (Sfc temperature),
wind direction and speed
color filled and contoured plots in degrees of Celsius (C),
wind barbs with knots (kt)
LAPS relative humidity
and wind map
Relative humidity (Sfc rel humidity),
wind direction and speed
color filled and contoured plots in percentage,
wind barbs with knots (kt)
LAPS clouds and precipitation map Cloud cover,
black for no clouds (0%) and white for clouds (100%),
Low LVL Ref i.e. precip iso-lines with dBZ intensity (Anlyzd/dBZ; 0 = no or weak and up to 50-60 dBZ very strong precip).
LAPS cross section display Cloud cover,
Precipitation type,
Wind speed and direction
black for no clouds (0%) and white for clouds (100%),
purple-blue-green-orange-red scale with purple for weakest and red for strongest precip,
'R' for rain and '*' for snow,
light blue isolines,
wind barbs with knots (kt)

Due to smaller graphics displays, contents of mobile products are more limited than the corresponding web products.

Radar data presents precipitation regions. The greater the value in dBZ units, the heavier the precipitation is.

On maps, station specific information is obtained by pointing and clicking over a station. Also, one can browse the latest observations by selecting time step and moving the pointer over desired time and date, or over "PLAY" icon for animation loop. Wind measurements are made at the highest available location, usually at mast top level (60-100 m). Other variables are measured near ground (usually 2 m).

In time series graphs, sensors are located at the heights as indicated, either above ground (m) or above sea level (m a.s.l.). Station altitude means height above sea level. Coordinates are given in degrees.

Wind profiler display shows observation time on x-axis and height on y-axis. For each time step, wind barbs show wind speed and direction in several vertical levels. The latest observation is always on right on x-axis. Key for wind barbs is given in the following figure.

Guide to wind profiler and RASS measurements.

LAPS (Local Analysis and Prediction System) produces a high resolution meteorological analysis. The analysis process is done by taking into account a large amount of observational data and also, as a first guess, fields from a background model. Here ECMWF model is used, more information at www.ecmwf.int. For the LAPS area covering southern Finland, the following input data have been used:

About 40 surface observations stations (winds, temperature, pressure etc.)
Satellite information; NOAA polar orbiter with AVHRR instrumentation
5 weather radars; C-band doppler radars
1 radio sounding (temperature) from Jokioinen

Corner coordinates in degrees and decimal fractions for the LAPS maps:
Lower left: 59.38 18.80
Top left: 70.36 18.10
Lower right: 58.91 30.26
Top right: 69.59 35.98
For the LAPS cross section display: The vertical plot shows variable values through the middle of the domain at almost constant latitude (61N), longitude extending from 20.8E to 28.2E. In the image the left y-axis is pressure level (hPa) and right y-axis is height (km). Note: This and other cloud products are only available for a specific time interval due to reduced satellite coverage during night time. In "Clouds & Precipitation" plots text "CONSTANT FIELD - VALUE IS -10" indicates no precipitation.

Times are expressed in local time unless otherwise specified.

See some product examples with explanations.

Rain & Temperature | Spatial Observations | Time series | Helsinki | History browser | Other products & help